Sunday, August 17, 2008

Greenstar Energy Systems and GreenStar Alliance

Let me introduce myself first; my name is George Malvar… I’m working on a new concept that is focusing on our country’s existing energy systems and energy products and how they impact us daily. Moreover, we will look into the way they are designed and used and ultimately what we can do, as an alliance, to cut these costs half. I know this sounds aggressive, but it’s becoming a reality quickly! My associates and I are creating this concept with the guidance of a combined & unique vision and the incredible talent that comes from years of working together and with experts in the Energy Saving and HVAC professions. We are leading many others in this unique industry and innovation and ask you to join NOW! You may have heard of us already, but if not, let me tell you a little about us right here.

Our companies are called GreenStar! What a great name huh?

We are GreenStar, GreenStar Energy Systems, GreenStar Energy Design, GreenStar Construction, GreenStar Global Alliance and the “daddy” of them all; GreenStar Alliance, Ltd.

All of these will use the GreenStar Name and Logo as we strive to expand our local, regional and national recognition. At the moment, I’m putting together a web site for GreenStar so that we can ultimately make these entities nationally known. In a nutshell, we are seeking like-minded individuals, organizations and companies who have a vision like ours and a sincere desire to help protect our planet and our planet’s natural resources. How?

By properly designing, selecting and implementing GreenStar’s unique criteria assuring that all Energy related Systems and Components in Homes (and Offices) are the RIGHT systems, properly designed and selected with regards to size, quality, manufacturer, price, and above all, that it exceeds our Efficiency and “Green” Ratings! Not only this, but we’ll also assure that everything is properly installed by the right party in a way that guarantees the intended functionality, aesthetic value, safety, strength, and above all, efficiency! We will be working hard to implement these new concepts and practices that will help to protect and save our planet while at the same time helping lower out-of-control energy costs.

I think we all finally realize that we really do have limited energy resources and the ones we have access to we’re not using very wisely. GreenStar is committed to minimizing our wasteful energy practices utilizing tools and products that we already have on hand today without having to wait years for new technology, or new inventions, or new resources. By this, we will indeed maximize real savings for those things that are already available to us today. With companies like Rheem, Ruud, Goodman, Amana, Whirlpool, Trane, Carrier, Gibson and many others, we are quickly becoming allies with a strong strategic partnership with GreenStar and her affiliates because of the many tools and products we already have that we can utilize to make this happen now... TODAY! With you and others like you, the GreenStar Vision will be a reality in millions of homes and workplaces throughout America by the end of this decade. You will also play a big role with us because of the excellence of you and your company and the excellent people who comprise your company and, above all, because we know that through the many decades of your outstanding leadership we can do this together.. We stand on the shoulders of people like you, the early Pioneers!

In the next few weeks and months, I will be sending you more information that I hope you’ll pass along to other co-workers in other capacities in your company and any other associated companies, as you see fit. I will also be asking for your help to make our marketing efforts grow exponentially by using many of the marketing and financing plans you already have on hand and available. If there is anything you have that you can send me today, please do so. In fact, please set us up with your newsletters and any eCommerce programs you have or are planning for any and all your product lines!

Remember, please send these things or any updates to the eMail links you see below to my attention and please stay tuned for more great things that will begin to happen through GreenStar and you, if you will join us NOW as Strategic partners!

Thank you for all you have done and please send OUR best regards to you, your family and to all those around you.

Sincerely Yours,

George J Malvar

Operations Manager

GreenStar Energy Systems

A Subsidiary of: GreenStar Alliance, Ltd.

Efficient By Design